Spring Cleaning Before Your Move

If you’re preparing to move your family to a new home this spring, you probably have a long list of tasks you need to accomplish. From finding the right residential movers to thoroughly cleaning your home, the relocation process can quickly become overwhelming.

To help alleviate your stress while you prepare to sell or rent your old home, our experienced Bay Area moving company has compiled some helpful tips and a checklist so you can quickly tackle an extensive spring cleaning—and ensure that your home is rejuvenated before your upcoming move.

Tips for a Thorough Spring Cleaning

The tasks involved with cleaning for a move are similar to spring cleaning, but with a few extra twists along the way. Not only will you be decluttering and cleaning, you’ll be preparing for your move at the same time.

  • Enlist Family Members to Help: Spring cleaning goes much faster when you have extra help, and your family will be more prepared come moving day if they have been a part of the process. Assign each family member tasks based on their ages, skills, or preferences, and everyone should have a fun time cleaning your home in preparation for your big move.
  • Declutter Your Belongings: While it may be difficult, decluttering is an essential first step in the spring cleaning process. Don’t be afraid to let go of unwanted items that are simply taking up space. If your belongings are in good condition, consider donating them to a local charity or holding a garage sale to make a little extra money for your move.
  • Allow Plenty of Time for Spring Cleaning: Once your home is decluttered, it will be much easier to clean. Still, it’s important not to wait until the last minute before your move because spring cleaning lists can be exhausting—particularly if you’re moving out of a large home. Plan ahead to complete tasks in a timely fashion and ensure that your house is thoroughly clean.
  • Considering Replacing Old Items: Relocation expenses can pile up quickly, especially when you’re moving appliances and bulky furniture. You may find that it’s more cost-effective to leave some of your older items behind and replace them once you arrive at your new home. As with the decluttering process, you can donate or sell your old items, or leave them for a tenant if you’re renting out your old home.

A Comprehensive Deep Cleaning Checklist for a Spring Move

The primary goal for spring cleaning before your move is to make sure your home is attractive to buyers or renters. Use our helpful checklist to ensure your house is pristine from top to bottom.

  • Scrub walls, ceilings, and other spaces that don’t receive regular cleanings.
  • Wash the insides and outsides of your windows.
  • Mop the floors, making sure to get under bookcases, couches, beds, and other large pieces of furniture.
  • Dust shelves and pack books, family heirlooms, and unnecessary decorations.
  • Give your wooden furniture a fresh coat of wax.
  • Deep clean your carpets—especially high-traffic areas—or have them professionally cleaned.
  • Keep you kitchen appliances clean every day, and be mindful of the cleanliness of your microwave, range, and refrigerator as them are often overlooked.
  • Organize closets, pack away winter items, and clear out clothes, shoes, accessories, and linens that haven’t been used in over a year.
  • Vacuum and clean your mattresses in preparation for your move.

Clean outdoor furniture, tidy up your patio, and add some color to your garden with new flowers and plants to attract prospective buyers or renters.

Whether you’re preparing to relocate your family within the Bay Area or across the country, the professionals at Move-Pros offer a wide range of customizable residential relocation services, and we’re happy to work with you to create a move plan that fits your specific requirements and budget. Call us today to speak with a friendly representative about your needs, or fill out our simple online form right now to receive a free and accurate price quote.